*Summertime Hottest Secrets to Catch More and Bigger Fish*
In the 4 months from June through September, the bass in your lake feed
more than the other 8 months combined. Why?
*1. **Hot weather and hot water equals raised metabolism and the fish
eat all day instead of only a few times a day.*
*2. **Bigger Baits are better. All bait fish reach their biggest size
in the summer so, MATCH THE HATCH! Bigger baits equals more bites.*
*3. **Current is everything. Lakes that have power plants or dams
generate more when it is super hot outside. (They have to power all that
air-conditioning) Schedule your fishing around when the plant/dam is
generating. It creates current and when the water is moving FISH EAT MORE
and more and more.*
*4. **Schooling Bass and Jerkbaits! When it’s hot and the bass are
schooling, try a suspending jerkbaits. They will destroy them!*
*OK, It’s hot but now you have no excuse not to go fishing.*
*Use our secrets and you will look forward to the Good Ole Summer Time!*